What criteria can be found for such one-time events? One of them is usefulness. The correctness of decision making is not decided in advance. If decision-making yields useful results, it is decided afterword that the decision was correct.

Let’s say you have to make a decision. In other words, there are several choices and you have to choose one. You are suffering from “I do not know which option is right“.

You can not decide which one to choose. That is, with your knowledge at the moment, those options has the same value. Then, choosing which one is also equally right at the this time. If you have time before the deadline of judgment, decision making “procrastinate judgment and collect information” is available. However, in many cases, no matter how much you gather information you will not determine which option is right. At some point, you need to choose without knowing the correct answer. And after a while you will be looking back at the results of choice, if those results is nice, you know that the choice was right.

image We do not yet know whether the current decision is correct or not